Grand Slam
GrandSlam volume 1.iso
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File List
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AK.ARJ [00] Alaska by D.Salman
ASSIGNM.043 [00] List of available FGA assignments with descriptions
ASSIGNM.092 [00] List of available FGA assignments with descriptions
ASSIGNM.140 [00] List of available FGA assignments with descriptions
ASSIGNM.144 [00] List of available FGA assignments with descriptions
ATIS.ARJ [00] Create your own Airport Database.
AUTBGL.ARJ [00] Austria V2.0.
AUTDRT.ARJ [00] Grass Texture for Austria Scenery.
AUTRWY.ARJ [00] Runway texture for Austria scenery.
BGLANA.ARJ [00] BGL File Analyzer by R.Schmid
BGLGEN03.ARJ [00] BGL generator, version 0.3c, fixes synth altitude bug
BGLTLS.ARJ [00] BGL tools.
BRAM.ARJ [00] Brampton Flying Club (Canada) BGL, by M.Kok
BRAM2.ARJ [00] Brampton Flying Club V2.0 (Canada) (*.BGL), by M.Kok.
CESVGA.ARJ [00] SVGA panel cessna FS50a.
CROAT.ARJ [00] Croatia V0.02 (*.BGL).
EDTY.ARJ [00] Friederichshafen by K.Schnur
ESTISS.ARJ [00] Update set ISS files to V1.12.
EURRTF.ARJ [00] Listing of all NAV poins in europa.bgl, by H. vanWhye.
EURWW6.ARJ [00] Listing of all airports in europa.bgl, by H. vanWhye.
FANTASY.ARJ [00] Fantasy *.BGL by R. Davey.
FGA&ACI2.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Southern European Tour #2 for FS5
FGA&ACI3.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: European Tour #3, Cairo > Tel Aviv FS5
FGA&ACI4.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: European Tour #3 for FS5
FGA&ANTL.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Humanitarian flight over Curacao for FS5
FGA&ATC0.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: ATC controlled flight from Abu Dhabi to Kuwait for FS5
FGA&COOL.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: transport a patient throught the dangerous Swiss Alpsfor FS5
FGA&EU01.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Northern European tour #1, Amsterdam > Copenhagen for FS5
FGA&HERD.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Count animals in Kenya for FS5
FGA&ICET.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: San Fransico > Oakland for FS5
FGA&POES.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Fly a sick pussycat to Amsterdam for FS5
FGA&PORT.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Fly delegation members from Lisbon and Madrid to Nice for FS5
FGA&SAIL.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: fly a yacht-sail from Rotterdam to Southampton for FS5
FGA&SMPL.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: 2nd Patrolflight over Dutch coastline for FS4/5
FGA&TORT.ARJ [00] FGA assignment: Fly 3 businessmen to Toronto Island for FS5
FGA-INFO.ARJ [00] FGA reviews and assignments overview (27.06.94)
FLM3.ARJ [00] Flight Log Maker v1.0 update
FS5-MENU.ARJ [00] Configure FS4 Sceneries for FS5 by P.Brieger
FS5DC9.ARJ [00] DC9 Alitalia for FS5. The first REAL PLANE for FS5 & FS5a.
FS5HKG.ARJ [00] HongKong V1.0 by R.I.Wittick
FS5PAI.ARJ [00] Allows Editing of XXXX.R8 files found in \TEXTURE by M.Bond
FS5PIX.ARJ [00] FS5 PIX (see FSFAN.FSF for more info).
FS5PNT.ARJ [00] FS5 paint or so.
FS5STR02.ARJ [00] The first update of the famous FS5STRUC (Maurizio Gavioli)
FSPLAN.ARJ [00] Flight Planner for the BGL files, By J. Trindle.
FSPLAN1.ARJ [00] Simple Flight Planner for FS5 V1.0 by J.Trindle
IMPROVE.ARJ [00] TXT file how to improve your FS5, by R. Kruijer.
INDIA.ARJ [00] India (*.BGL), by J. v Crannenburgh.
JCUPDATE.ARJ [00] TXT file about a better panel in your cessna.
LAX.ARJ [00] Los Angeles V0.1 by R.Mariani
NEW-WAV.ARJ [00] Several *.WAV files for FS5 (New ones).
NO_ATLAN.ARJ [00] North Alantic route (*.BGL) the good update
NZ_BGL.ARJ [00] New Zealand (BGL), By R. Davey.
PLUTO.ARJ [00] *.BGL of a OPENING hagar when plane arieves.
PORTCM.ARJ [00] Columbus, Ohio by G.Mullins Los Angeles V0.1 by R.Mariani
QLD-BG.ARJ [00] Queensland V3.0, *.BGL.
SCC1ISS.ARJ [00] Oklahoma (USA) Scenery for FS5
SCOTLD.ARJ [00] Scotland v.1.0 BGL
TAHO.ARJ [00] Lake Tahoe V0.1 by R.Mariani
TEXTURE.ARJ [00] R8 Files for Austria Scenery
WINBGL01.ARJ [00] New version of WINBGL. Displays runways too.
WX.ARJ [00] Weather bug in FS5 discussion on CIS